Chamber honors three officials with Action Awards Dec. 9
The American Arab Chamber of Commerce gave its prestigious annual “Action” Award to three elected officials who went out of their way to defend the rights of Arabs and Muslims in Chicago and Cook County. More than 200 Arab and Muslim community leaders attended the annual Arab Chamber dinner to recognize Chicago Alderwoman Silvana Tabares, Chicago Alderman Raymond Lopez and Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas.
The American Arab Chamber of Commerce presented their annual “Action” Awards to three public officials who have supported the Arab and Muslim community’s needs during a dinner Thursday in Hickory Hills.
Chamber President Hassan Nijem presented “Action” Awards to 23rd Ward Alderwoman Silvana Tabares, 15th Ward Alderman Raymond Lopez, and Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas.
Nijem welcomed more than 200 attendees to the dinner event held at Aladdin’s Banquets and said each official helped the community in different but important ways.