Census 2020

Everyone Counts. Everyone Wins! And We’re Counting On You! There is strength in numbers. The more people counted means more power and money for ILLINOIS residents. ILLINOIS stands to lose an estimated $1,500 per person per year in federal support for programs that use census data. Historically, the census has missed disproportionate numbers of racial minorities, immigrants, young children and those living in poverty – “hard-to-count populations” – leading to inequality in political power, government funding and private-sector investment for these communities. The “Census 2020 the American Arab Chamber of Commerce THE ETHNIC CIVIC COALITION of CHICAGO Count Campaign” is an ambitious effort to mobilize nonprofits Organization and partner with state and local government to encourage participation in the census in communities that are at significant risk of being undercoated. The campaign is spearheaded by the American Arab Chamber of Commerce THE ETHNIC CIVIC COALITION of CHICAGO A lot is at stake with Census 2020. As nonprofits serving hard-to-count communities, we are one of the few remaining trusted entities among that population – as we have well-established relationships and speak the communities . language. Why It Matters The census count has consequences we will live with for the next decade, if not longer. This makes the stakes even higher. ILLINOIS stands to lose an estimated $1,500 per person per year in federal support for programs that use census data. These include Medicaid, nutrition assistance, highway construction and planning, Title I and Special Education Grants, Foster Care and Child Care Grants, K-12 education, Section 8 Vouchers, and Head Start/Early Start — for which ILLINOIS received more than $ 26 billion in 2015. American Arab Chamber of Commerce THE ETHNIC CIVIC COALITION of CHICAGO can be effective in reaching out to their networks in the hard-to-count populations. You can provide education about the benefits of Census 2020 and encourage them to participate. We all win with an accurate census count. The time is now too Educate. Engage. Empower.
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Get Out The Census + Get Out The Vote COUNT ON US
2020 is a critical year in our path to CIVIC POWER.
*April 1, 2020 is Census Day
*November 2, 2020 is Election Day
and partners will developing strategy towards Civic Power for our communities.
- We know that Get Out the Vote – GOVOTE – is important. Our vote counts!
- Now… let’s strategize on Census 2020 – this is the first time THE ETHNIC CIVIC COALITION of CHICAGO will have a strong strategy for the US Census. Get Out the Census – GOTC!
Census is not about politics, or faith or class. Census is about being counted and we need to be counted!
Why are are hard to count?
*Very Diverse
*Busy with our work/family
*Unaware of Census

Census 2020 We need to be counted!
Education, Outreach and Communication
- Schedule workshops to focus on Census Education
- Ensure Understanding of the Census and why? Be counted
- Distribute pledge cards for GOTC and GOTV to every resident in the community
- Have GOTC and GOTV Table at community gathering and mosques/churches/synagogue/temples etc. October 2019 to March 2020.
- Outreach campaigns via Social media / print media about GOTC and GOTV COUNT ON US
- Continue all education efforts until the end
- Distinguished Census Mailers from Election Mailers
- Share urgency of completing the census ASAP
- Ask residents to contact 10 friends and family members to fill out the census.
- Heavily utilize our social media to advertise for the census
- Distribute brochures
Census 2020 we need to be counted!
Direct Engagement
1. Provide translator and translating materials
2. Allocate volunteer to visit houses in Hard to Count Areas to talk about the Census
3. Use all programs provided to the community to create awareness and to educate the community about the census.
4. Hold events and invite census representatives to talk about the census and get as many representatives trained to be ready to assist and educate the community.

Questionnaire Assistance & Participation
Questionnaire Assistance & Participation
Provide computers and trained volunteers/staff to assist/ educate people with the census and making sure they get counted.
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Throughout the years, Hassan Nijem, founder and president of The American Arab chamber of commerce has seen it's vision and role continuously evolving with the aggressive growth of the Middle Eastern and Muslim businesses leading these businesses and community to become one of the most economically and culturally affluent communities locally.
Opening Hours
Come Visit
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat: 10am - 2pm
Sun: Closed